In your gaze
Elegance and Beauty
A World Brand.
Naturalness and Striking in Color Lenses
Side by Side with an Awesome Harmony
When it comes to color lenses, the first brand that comes to mind is Solotica.
Solotica is famous for its special colors.
So that some color lens brands started to define their colors as "Solotica colors".
Striking colors in contact lenses often create an artificial appearance that makes you notice that there are color lenses in the eyes.
Here is the difference between Solotica.
It has striking colors that look extremely natural on the eyes.
Which is your Solotica?
Which is your color among the famous Solotica product family offered to the world from Brazil?
You can examine the colors in the Hidrocor series for your color choices without a limbal ring. If you are looking for a color lens that contains a limbal ring then you should check the Natural Colors series ... Both series have a yearly or 3 months version...
Hidrocor Rio colors in yearly clear colors were inspired by 4 famous Rio beaches of Brazil ...
If you want to use daily color lenses, you can examine the fascinating colors of Aquarella.